Úterý bude patřit mladé generaci amatérských kuchařů. Uvidíme, jak se s přípravou a hostitelstvím svého perfektního večera vypořádá sklář Michal. Amatérský rybář si pro své soupeře přichystal „vodní“ menu. Stihne prutem zatáhnout včas, aby mu případná výhra 25 000 korun neuplavala?
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
The knives (and forks) are out as a group of strangers compete for the title of ultimate dinner party host. And the money on the table adds spice to the proceedings...
Úterý bude patřit mladé generaci amatérských kuchařů. Uvidíme, jak se s přípravou a hostitelstvím svého perfektního večera vypořádá sklář Michal. Amatérský rybář si pro své soupeře přichystal „vodní“ menu. Stihne prutem zatáhnout včas, aby mu případná výhra 25 000 korun neuplavala?