Questovy divy světa

Questovy divy světa

S01E22 - Fort Begu 2, Jaipur, India

14.3. 23:30
30 minut

Fort Begu 2, Jaipur, India. On a trip to Rajasthan, Alex meets Ajayraj Singh, a blue-blooded dignitary, who introduces her to the secret meat dishes of the kingdom of Mewar.

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Sezon 1

Naila 2, Jaipur, India

9.3. 05:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Naila 2, Jaipur, India

Naila 2, Jaipur, India. Khargosh is a forgotten dish because there are multiple steps to prepare it and, it also takes a lot of time consuming. So Join Alex as she learns to prepare this and another forgotten recipie.


Karni Fort, Udaipur, India

9.3. 08:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Karni Fort, Udaipur, India

Karni Fort, Udaipur, India. Learning about the cuisine of Sodabas in Rajasthan, Vikramaditya prepares Sekuri murgi (barbeque chicken) and aachaari aaloo (pickled potatoes), which is actually cooked as main course.

Dostępne za 34 minuty

Fort Begu 2, Jaipur, India

9.3. 14:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Fort Begu 2, Jaipur, India

Fort Begu 2, Jaipur, India. On a trip to Rajasthan, Alex meets Ajayraj Singh, a blue-blooded dignitary, who introduces her to the secret meat dishes of the kingdom of Mewar.

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czeski, angielski

Epizoda: Washington, D. C. Washington D.C. Hvězdný moderátor CNN Richard Quest vám představí nejvýznamnější velkoměsta světa. S pomocí místních obyvatel se snaží proniknout do duše měst a odhalit všechny jejich divy... Americký dokumentární seriál