XP Guide

XP Guide

S01E29 - Stockholm

6.6. 12:30
30 minut

Stockholm. Stockholm, the capital and largest city of Sweden, was built on 14 Islands. This place is also sometimes referred as Venice of the north.

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Řada 1
Dostupné za 2 dny


23.6. 04:00, Travelxp, 30 minut


Vienna. Austria has been the stage on which histories have unfolded, destinies carved and stories rewritten and Vienna, its capital city has been the centre of it all.

Dostupné za 2 dny


23.6. 07:00, Travelxp, 30 minut


Seychelles. With its rich folk traditions of dance and music, this archipelago is a culmination of fun and frolic to the hilt. With its rich biodiversity, Seychelles is a perfect site to buffer up your senses.

Dostupné za 3 dny

Karlovy Vary

23.6. 22:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary. Boosting of Ancient Architecture with gothic, Baroque, and renaissance influences, Karlovy Vary is a Explorers paradise which allows travelers to dive in the past as well as dwell in the present.

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O pořadu

česky, anglicky

With its rich folk traditions of dance and music, this archipelago is a culmination of fun and frolic to the hilt. With its rich biodiversity, Seychelles is a perfect site to buffer up your senses.