City Breaks

City Breaks

S01E25 - City Breaks (Ahmedabad)

20.5. 00:00
30 minut

Ahmedabad. Benafsha embarks on a whirlwind adventure in Ahmedabad. With just 48 hours in the city, she is determined to make the most of it, but how?

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Řada 1


2.6. 04:30, Travelxp, 30 minut


Prague. Have you ever dreamed of being in a fairytale castle? Well, Prague is then your ultimate destination. Watch City Breaks- Prague as we take you through this dream ride on our own chariot.



2.6. 07:30, Travelxp, 30 minut


Manchester. Join us to explore Manchester with Sabrina, a city known for throughout the world as the birthplace of the industrial revolution. The has a proud history in science, politics, music, arts and sports.


Budapest 2

1.6. 16:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

Budapest 2

Budapest 2. A city with one of the most spectacular skyline, with its cityscape dotted with baroque and neoclassical construction. Join in, as Sabrina tours Budapest, showcasing its food, history and art.

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Bulgaria's capital Sofia is one of Europe's most compact and walkable city, with small gardens, parks and cafes sprawled all over. It is the second oldest city of Europe and is also known as Serdica.