NASA's Unexplained Files

NASA's Unexplained Files

S03E05 - The Moon that Disappeared

5.7. 15:00
Travel Channel HD
60 minutes

Prokletí úplňku. Dva kosmonauti bojují o život, když uvíznou v návratové kabině v zamrzlém jezeře. Astronomy NASA překvapí, do jaké míry úplněk ovlivní jejich experimenty.

More information

Pluto Under Pressure

29.9. 16:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

Pluto Under Pressure

Podivnosti Pluta. Zaslechli astronauti lodi Apollo neznámé vysílání z odvrácené strany Měsíce? Astronom si povšimne podivného rušení v atmosféře Marsu.


Return of the Moon Bugs

29.9. 17:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

Return of the Moon Bugs


Rise of the Ice Creatures

29.9. 18:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

Rise of the Ice Creatures

Neil Armstrong goes into an unexplained spin. He needs to figure out what’s causing it, or he faces certain death. An Apollo 17 photo seems to show a military outpost on the Moon & could there be alien life swimming in the oceans of Jupiter’s moons?


Ghosts on a Comet

29.9. 19:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

Ghosts on a Comet


The Moon that Disappeared

30.9. 11:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

The Moon that Disappeared


Curse of the Red Planet

1.10. 11:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

Curse of the Red Planet

Available in 22 hours

Red Storm Rising

3.10. 15:00, Travel Channel HD, 60 minutes

Red Storm Rising

Two astronauts trapped in the vacuum of space face an agonizing death; the first close up images of Pluto reveal an alien landscape, and residents of Houston struggle to explain videos of unidentified flying lights captured above their city at night.

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

Prokletí úplňku. Dva kosmonauti bojují o život, když uvíznou v návratové kabině v zamrzlém jezeře. Astronomy NASA překvapí, do jaké míry úplněk ovlivní jejich experimenty.


Erik Dellums, Christopher Orwoll