For Heaven's Sake

For Heaven's Sake

S02E04 - Plötzlich und unerwartet

23.10. 02:05
50 minutes
Comedy / Family

Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.

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Record series

Heiliger Strohsack

18.10. 03:00, Jednotka, 50 minutes

Heiliger Strohsack

Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.


Salto Mortale

19.10. 01:20, Jednotka, 50 minutes

Salto Mortale

Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.

Available in 18 hours


21.10. 15:10, Jednotka, 50 minutes


Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.

Available in 1 day

Plötzlich und unerwartet

22.10. 15:10, Jednotka, 50 minutes

Plötzlich und unerwartet

Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.

Available in 2 days

Falsche Fünfzigerin

23.10. 15:10, Jednotka, 50 minutes

Falsche Fünfzigerin

Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.

Available in 4 days


25.10. 03:00, Jednotka, 50 minutes


Najlepšou cestou ako znepríjemniť semináru život, je presunúť na mníšsky rád starostlivosť o pamiatky. Už len zavolať skorumpovaného úradníka a život mníšok sa môže radikálne zmeniť. Medzitým však prichádza do mestečka vysoký štátny úradník, ktorý preveruje kauzu financovania politických strán. Víkendový seminár je preňho ideálnym útočiskom, ale pokoj mu nepridáva zvláštny návštevník seminára, ktorého pre svojské správanie nemožno prehliadnuť. Bývalá novicka Barbara stojí pevne za svojim rozhodnutím vrátiť sa do kláštora, ale výsledky tehotenských testov nedopadnú pre jej kariéru najlepšie. Navyše, v batožine zvláštneho účastníka semináru nájde zbraň. Zdá sa, že tento pán patrí k tým, pred ktorými sa vysoký úradník snažil ukrývať... (RTVS)

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About show

audio commentary, slovensky slo
Comedy / Family

Sister Hanna is a spirited, witty, resolute, warm-hearted, and - attractive nun. With her wit and street cred, she takes charge of Kaltenthal Cloister, transforming it into a popular refuge for all those seeking help of one kind or another. She also brings new life to the sleepy provincial community, proving herself quite a match for her great rival and opponent, the mayor Wolfgang Wöller.


Wolfgang Hübner, Michael Baier


Fritz Wepper, Jutta Speidel, Wolfgang Müller, Helen Zellweger, Lars Weström, Karin Gregorek, Michael Wenninger, Anne Weinknecht, Andrea Wildner, Andrea Sihler, Michael Vogtmann, Sylvia Agnes Muc, Anna Luise Kish, Emanuela von Frankenberg, Rosel Zech, Julia von Juni