JT požádá otce o peníze, i když dostal kapesné před několika dny. Frank se rozhodne zaměstnat ho o víkendu na stavbě. Protože JT zničí vše, na co sáhne, musí se rychle pakovat. Dana má vyrobit do školy ptačí budku, Al napsat referát o Tomu Sawyerovi. Své úkoly si vymění a vše by dospělo ke zdárnému předání, kdyby se do toho nevmísil Brendan.(TV Nova)
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
Step by Step is an American television sitcom with two single parents, who spontaneously get married after meeting one another during a vacation, resulting in them becoming the heads of a large blended family
Richard Correll
Christine Lakin,
Suzanne Somers,
Kathy Christopherson,
Patrika Darbo,
Brandon Call,
Patrick Duffy,
Staci Keanan,
Angela Watson,
Josh Byrne,
Peggy Rea,
Judy Kerr,
Jean St. James,
Michelle Buffone