Hitler's Last Stand

Hitler's Last Stand

S02E06 - Defend The Rhine

13.3. 01:55
Prima Zoom
47 minutes

As Allied armies line up along the River Rhine prepared to invade Nazi Germany, the race for a bridge could change the course of the war.

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Season 2

Lost Battalion

3.9. 00:45, National Geographic, 45 minutes

Lost Battalion

During the Allied drive to liberate the fortified port of St. Malo, Nazi forces cut off and encircle an American battalion in a bold defensive move.

Available in 4 days

Nazis Strike Back

10.9. 00:45, National Geographic, 45 minutes

Nazis Strike Back

U.S. forces fight to the death against Hitler’s massive surprise offensive to slow the Nazi advance allowing for the legendary defense of Bastogne.

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About show

Czech Czech

Nazi diehard and fanatics fight to the last man to stop Allied forces from freeing Europe, keeping an unrelenting grip on the naval bases, citadels and fortresses of occupied Europe.