S03E06 - The Voyeur's Web
Žena sa pred web kamerou vyzlieka a robí striptíz. Muž, ktorý ju sleduje cez kameru si všimne siluetu postavy za ňou. Napíše jej, aby sa otočila, avšak neznámy jej podreže krk priamo pred kamerou. Gibbs oznamuje tímu že bola unesená žena poddôstojníka. Volá sa Jaimy Carová. Na jej dome boli vykopnuté dvere. Jej manžel je v Iraku na polročnej misii. McGee spozná izbu, ktorú prehľadávajú, videl ju lebo mu mailom niekto poslal link na video v ktorom „akože zabijú“ ženu poddôstojníka. Zistia že Jaimy mala porno stránku, spolu s ešte jednou kolegyňou, ktorá si hovorí Skyler. Abby zistí, že Jaimy bola zavraždená pred niekoľkými dňami. Abby dostane nového asistenta Charlesa. Neskôr na jednom parkovisku v kufri auta nájdu telo Skyler.(TV Markíza)
More informationEpisodes
Bury Your Dead
Bury Your Dead
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Identity Crisis
Identity Crisis
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
Leap of Faith
Leap of Faith
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.
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About show
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless of rank or position.