9-1-1: Lone Star

9-1-1: Lone Star

S02E04 - Friends with Benefits

14.7. 07:21
Prima Krimi
55 minutes
United States Action / Drama / Thriller

Záchranári zasahujú na svadobnej oslave, kde došlo k hromadnej otrave jedlom. Dôsledky následného chaosu a paniky si odnesú hlavne ženích s nevestou. Owen (Rob Lowe) sa teší, že obnovil vzťah so svojou bývalou manželkou, pričom Gwyneth (Lisa Edelsteinová) sama netuší, aké sú jeho zámery a kam tento experiment smeruje. Veliteľov syn T.K. Strand (Ronen Rubinstein) vyčíta Carlosovi Reyesovi (Rafael L. Silva), že ho odmieta predstaviť svojim rodičom. Na všeobecné prekvapenie Marjan navštívi jej snúbenec, ktorý pricestoval do Austinu len kvôli nej. Owen si uvedomuje, že Gwyneth stále miluje, a žiada ju, aby si ho znovu vzala. Gwyneth vyzve Owena, aby jej objasnil svoje zámery, ale nakoniec mu sama prináša novinu, ktorá mu zmení život - je tehotná. (TV JOJ)

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Season 3

Epizoda 5

7.9. 15:02, Prima Krimi, 59 minutes

Epizoda 5

Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.


Epizoda 6

8.9. 15:07, Prima Krimi, 59 minutes

Epizoda 6

Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.

Available in 1 day

Epizoda 7

14.9. 07:05, Prima Krimi, 50 minutes

Epizoda 7

Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.

Available in 2 days

Epizoda 8

15.9. 07:05, Prima Krimi, 50 minutes

Epizoda 8

Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.

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About show

Czech Czech
United States Action / Drama / Thriller

Nearly 20 years ago, Owen Strand was the lone survivor of his Manhattan firehouse on 9/11. In the wake of the attack, Owen had the unenviable task of rebuilding his station. After a similar tragedy happens to a firehouse in Austin, Owen, along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K., takes his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew. On the surface, Owen is all about big-city style and swagger, but underneath he struggles with a secret he hides from the world - one that could very well end his life.


Sanaa Hamri


Lisa Edelstein, Rob Lowe, Jim Parrack, Benito Martinez, Derek Webster, James Urbaniak, Gina Torres, Katelyn Pippy, Mena Massoud, Julian Works, Natacha Karam, Sierra Aylina McClain, Corie Vickers, Ronen Rubinstein, Jose Moreno Brooks, Brian Michael Smith, Colton Little, Rafael L. Silva, Roxana Brusso, Brianna Baker