Les Passages de l'espoir

Les Passages de l'espoir

S04E06 - Rock and a Hard Place

17.11. 00:15
Nova Lady
55 minutes
Canada Drama / Fantasy

Alex a Charlie sú nútení predebatovať jeho "dar", keď je Alex schopná zachrániť svojho pacienta na základe informácie, ktorú získala pomocou Charlieho možnosti komunikácie s duchmi. Necíti sa pohodlne a bola by radšej, keby jej o tom Charlie nehovoril, pretože potom musí klamať o tom, ako k informácii prišla. Dane sa opäť vrátila rakovina a Cassie je jediná, kto o tom vie. Dawn je znásilnená svojim priateľom, ale nikomu o tom nepovie. (TV Markíza)

More information

All Things Must Pass

5.2. 01:40, AXN, 40 minutes

All Things Must Pass

When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.


Bed One

5.2. 02:20, AXN, 45 minutes

Bed One

When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.

Available in 3 days


10.2. 21:00, AXN, 50 minutes


When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.

Available in 3 days


10.2. 21:50, AXN, 55 minutes


When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.

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About show

Czech Czech
Canada Drama / Fantasy

When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.


Jason Priestley


Wendy Crewson, Shawn Roberts, Benjamin Ayres, Dejan Loyola, Kim Shaw, Shaun Benson, Michael Shanks, Parveen Kaur, Erica Durance, Joan Gregson, Michelle Nolden, Milton Barnes, Julia Chan, James Cade, Elena Khan