FBI vyšetruje prípad únosu Viktora Beniova, ktorého násilím odvliekli z ruského konzulátu. Beniov je bývalý chemik, ktorý sa podieľal na vývine nebezpečných chemických zbraní, a je stále schopný vyrobiť ich v laboratoru. Okrem toho napísal kontroverznú knihu, v ktorej kritizuje politiku Ruska. Ruská vláda popiera zodpovednosť za únos. Šéfka tímu FBI Dana Mosierová sa musí rozhodnúť, či bude aj naďalej dôverovať svojmu informátorovi.(TV JOJ)
The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.
The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.
The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.
The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.
The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.
Charlotte Brändström
Jeremy Sisto,
Sela Ward,
Allan Corduner,
Dan Daily,
Ljanka Gryu,
Tyler Elliot Burke,
Nate Richman,
Zeeko Zaki,
Ebonée Noel,
Francesca Root-Dodson,
Missy Peregrym