Prasátko Peppa

Prasátko Peppa

S01E02 - Mr Dinosaur Is Lost

26.4. 12:00
Nick JR EN
5 minut

Peppa is a cartoon series about a very cute little pig that lives with her pig-family: big brother George, her mom and her dad. Peppa loves to play games, dress up nicely, take nice long trips and jump into mud baths. She always ends her adventures with lots of cheering and laughing. Her best friends always accompany her when she on her big adventures.

Více informací

Frogs and Worms and Butterflies

1.5. 10:25, Nick JR EN, 11 minut

Frogs and Worms and Butterflies

Vaše kamarádka Peppa je malé roztomilé prasátko v červené sukni. Ráda se baví s přáteli, je zvědavá, má ráda čokoládové zákusky a narozeninové oslavy i výlety, na kterých se něco dobrého jí. Nejvíc ale miluje, když je pořádné bláto. Protože, co může být na světě lepší zábava, než je skákání v blátivých kalužích? (oficiální text distributora)

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44 koček
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O pořadu


Peppa is a cartoon series about a very cute little pig that lives with her pig-family: big brother George, her mom and her dad. Peppa loves to play games, dress up nicely, take nice long trips and jump into mud baths. She always ends her adventures with lots of cheering and laughing. Her best friends always accompany her when she on her big adventures.