

S01E08 - Chocolate Souffle

8.9. 01:10
50 minutes

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

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Season 1
Available in 6 days

Episode 1

7.9. 20:00, HBO 3, 45 minutes

Episode 1

Tento seriál je inspirován výjimečným životem kuchařské celebrity Julie Childové a jejím dlouholetým seriálem Francouzský šéfkuchař, který je průkopníkem dnešních populárních pořadů o vaření. Prostřednictvím Juliiny výrazné osobnosti nabízí pohled na neustále se měnící období dějin Spojených států, kdy se veřejnoprávní televize stala novou společenskou institucí, rozšířil se fenomén celebrit, zrodil se feminismus a ženské hnutí, a kdy americká kultura zaznamenala nebývalý rozmach. Jádrem seriálu je láskyplné manželství s proměnlivou a složitou dynamikou. EPIZODA 1: V roce 1962 je autorka kuchařek Julia Childová odhodlána představit myšlenku přelomového televizního seriálu zaměřeného na domácí vaření, a to navzdory odmítavému postoji šéfa televizní stanice i vlastního manžela.

Available in 6 days

Coq Au Vin

7.9. 20:45, HBO 3, 45 minutes

Coq Au Vin

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

Available in 6 days

Boeuf Bourguignon

7.9. 21:30, HBO 3, 50 minutes

Boeuf Bourguignon

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

Available in 6 days

Petit Fours

7.9. 22:20, HBO 3, 40 minutes

Petit Fours

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

Available in 6 days

Crêpes Suzette

7.9. 23:00, HBO 3, 45 minutes

Crêpes Suzette

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

Available in 6 days

Bread vs. Sweetbreads

7.9. 23:45, HBO 3, 45 minutes

Bread vs. Sweetbreads

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

Available in 6 days

Foie Gras

8.9. 00:30, HBO 3, 40 minutes

Foie Gras

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

Available in 6 days

Chocolate Souffle

8.9. 01:10, HBO 3, 50 minutes

Chocolate Souffle

Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.

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About show

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Through Julia Child’s life and her singular joie de vivre, the series explores a pivotal time in American history – the emergence of public television as a new social institution, feminism and the women’s movement, the nature of celebrity and America’s cultural evolution.