The Great

The Great

S01E05 - War and Vomit

28.3. 21:00
55 minutes
Velká Británie / Australia Biography / Comedy / Drama / Historic

A genre-bending, anti-historical ride through 18th century Russia following the rise of Catherine the Nothing to Catherine the Great and her explosive relationship with husband Peter, the emperor of Russia.

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26.7. 03:25, HBO 3, 55 minutes

Choose Your Weapon

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1.8. 21:40, HBO 3, 55 minutes

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About show

Czech, English
Velká Británie / Australia Biography / Comedy / Drama / Historic

A genre-bending, anti-historical ride through 18th century Russia following the rise of Catherine the Nothing to Catherine the Great and her explosive relationship with husband Peter, the emperor of Russia.


Ben Chessell


Charity Wakefield, Miles Jupp, Belinda Bromilow, Nicholas Hoult, Gwilym Lee, Sacha Dhawan, Elle Fanning, Adam Godley, Phoebe Fox, Daniel Tuite, Douglas Hodge, Sebastian De Souza, Jamie Demetriou, Teresa Mahoney, Bayo Gbadamosi, Tristan Beint, Julian Ferro, Florence Keith-Roach