Walker, Texas Ranger

Walker, Texas Ranger

S02E03 - In the Name of God

9.1. 11:00
Nova Action
110 minutes
United States Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama / Western

Hank Berigan chce dostat svou dceru ze spárů nebezpečné sekty, kterou vede kriminálník John Bodie. S prosbou o pomoc se obrátí na Alex. Ta se vydá do sídla podezřelého sdružení, aby si s nešťastnou dívkou promluvila, končí však pod zámkem bez jakékoliv naděje na útěk. Walker a Trivette po ní okamžitě vyhlásí pátrání a brzy narazí na stopu Johna Bodieho. Dostat se do jeho tábora bude ale těžší, než si oba představovali.(TV Nova)

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About show

Czech Czech
United States Action / Adventure / Crime / Drama / Western

Modern-day Texas Ranger, Cordell Walker's independent crime-solving methods have their roots in the rugged traditions of the Old West. Walker's closest friend is former Ranger, C.D. Parker, who retired after a knee injury, and now owns "C.D.'s," a Country/Western saloon/restaurant. Rookie Ranger, James "Jimmy" Trivette is an ex-football player who bases his crime-solving methods on reason and uses computers and cellular phones. Alex Cahill is the Assistant DA who shares a mutual attraction with Walker, but often disagrees with his unorthodox approach to law enforcement.


Michael Preece


Chuck Norris, Sheree J. Wilson, Noble Willingham, Floyd 'Red Crow' Westerman, Franc Luz, Michael Crabtree, Clarence Gilyard Jr., Lidia Porto, Blue Deckert, Marco Perella, Steve Shearer