Storage Wars

Storage Wars

S08E19 - Samé sázky a žádné dárky

18.6. 18:35
Nova Action
55 minutes

Reality show USA (2015). Aukce opuštěných skladů jsou velkou výzvou pro náhodné dražitele, ale i pro ostřílené borce, kteří se tímto byznysem živí. Základem úspěchu je převálcovat v dražbě konkurenci a mít správný čich na hodnotné předměty. Jenže i tato sranda má svá úskalí. Dražitelé často kupují zajíce v pytli a je jen otázkou štěstí a náhody, zda byla koupě výhodná či naprostý propadák

More information

Episode 2

27.9. 09:15, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 2

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 3

27.9. 09:35, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 3

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Available in 3 days

Episode 6

4.10. 09:15, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 6

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Available in 3 days

Episode 7

4.10. 09:35, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 7

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 15

28.9. 10:35, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 15

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 16

28.9. 10:55, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 16

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 17

29.9. 10:35, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 17

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.


Episode 18

29.9. 10:55, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 18

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Available in 4 days

Episode 19

5.10. 10:35, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 19

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

Available in 4 days

Episode 20

5.10. 10:55, History Channel, 20 minutes

Episode 20

When rent is not paid on a storage locker for three months in California, the contents can be sold by an auctioneer as a single lot of items in the form of a cash-only auction. The show follows professional buyers who purchase the contents based only on a five-minute inspection of what they can see from the door when it is open. The goal is to turn a profit on the merchandise.

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About show

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Reality show USA (2015). Aukce opuštěných skladů jsou velkou výzvou pro náhodné dražitele, ale i pro ostřílené borce, kteří se tímto byznysem živí. Základem úspěchu je převálcovat v dražbě konkurenci a mít správný čich na hodnotné předměty. Jenže i tato sranda má svá úskalí. Dražitelé často kupují zajíce v pytli a je jen otázkou štěstí a náhody, zda byla koupě výhodná či naprostý propadák