Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures

Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures

S01E11 - The Ganguls / Bad Egg

8.12. 15:30
Disney Junior
30 minutes
Action / Adventure / Cartoon / Sci-Fi

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Record series


Season 1
Available in 6 days

The Ganguls / Bad Egg

8.12. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

The Ganguls / Bad Egg

Watch the new episode now.

Available in 5 days

Stuck in the Muck / Junkyard Sleepover

7.12. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Stuck in the Muck / Junkyard Sleepover


Episode 29

1.12. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Episode 29

Watch the new episode now.


Episode 30

30.11. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Episode 30

Watch the new episode now.


Episode 31

26.11. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Episode 31

Hap teams up with the Jedi to rescue his friends. Nubs searches for a rare, stolen plant.


Episode 32

27.11. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Episode 32

When pests swarm a party, Jedi jump in to help. The Jedi join a friend in a wilderness adventure.


Episode 33

28.11. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Episode 33

Nubs tracks down a harvest taken by birds. Kai faces his fears when spiders get loose in the temple.


Episode 34

29.11. 15:30, Disney Junior, 30 minutes

Episode 34

The Jedi must stop pirates from ruining Life Day. Kai and Djovi face Blackbolt in a secret base.

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About show

Action / Adventure / Cartoon / Sci-Fi

V seriáli Star Wars: Dobrodružstvá malých Jediov, zasadenom do prostredia Starej Republiky, sledujeme mladých Jediov Kaia, Lys a Nubsa, ktorých majster Yoda posiela trénovať s majsterkou Ziou do chrámu Jediov na krásnej planéte Tenoo. Spolu so šikovnou pilotkou Nash a jej droidom RJ-83 vyrážajú v lodi menom Ohnivý jastrab na dobrodružstvá po celej planéte a galaxii. Pomôžu ľuďom v núdzi, pobijú sa so zlými pirátmi, objavia exotické tvory, no najmä sa naučia, čo znamená byť dobrým kamarátom.



Anthony Bell, Brian Hall, Elliot M. Bour, Shellie Kvilvang, Michael Olson


Grey Griffin, Piotr Michael, Cree Summer, Dee Bradley Baker, Jamaal Avery Jr., Emma Berman