Apocalypse War of Worlds 1945-1991

Apocalypse War of Worlds 1945-1991

S01E05 - The Wall (1956-1962)

12.2. 01:05
50 minutes
France Documentary / Historic / War

Píše se únor 1956 a Sovětský svaz čeká skandální událost. Během 20. sjezdu komunistické strany Chruščov odhalí Stalinovy zločiny a veřejně se od něj distancuje. Jaké změny tento krok přinese? (National Geographic)

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About show

Czech, audio commentary Czech
France Documentary / Historic / War

The story of this fantastic period of history between 1945 and 1991, which was defined by the confrontation of two worlds and two systems. The capitalist West, dominated by the ever-powerful United States, is pitted against the Communist East, the Soviet Empire.


Isabelle Clarke, Daniel Costelle


Mathieu Kassovitz