Baby Looney Tunes (The Looney Riddle (song))

Baby Looney Tunes (The Looney Riddle (song))

4.3. 14:10
10 minut

Before they became big Looney Tunes stars they were the Baby Looney Tunes! Half the size and twice the amount of trouble for poor Granny Bugs Daffy Taz Tweety Lola and Sylvester stay together play together and get into Looney Tunes scrapes together. Your favorite Looney Tuners as pint-sized preschoolers they're young dumb and ready to run riot!

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Before they became big Looney Tunes stars they were the Baby Looney Tunes! Half the size and twice the amount of trouble for poor Granny Bugs Daffy Taz Tweety Lola and Sylvester stay together play together and get into Looney Tunes scrapes together. Your favorite Looney Tuners as pint-sized preschoolers they're young dumb and ready to run riot!