Kuzu no honkai

Kuzu no honkai

S01E01 - Nozomi kanaetamae

14.7. 15:10
10 minut
Bajka / Dramat / Psychologiczny / Romantyczny

Silly Sundays is a feel-good comedy series full of heart and deeply rooted in the theme of family. Everything centres around Sonia, Hugo, Mel, Mom, Dad and Granny, on those days when there is nothing scheduled except spending time with family and friends. The stories focus on their ups, their downs and mostly their fun times as they embrace every little moment together.

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Sezon 1

Nozomi kanaetamae

14.7. 15:10, Cartoonito, 10 minut

Nozomi kanaetamae

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O audycji

czeski, angielski, węgierski
Bajka / Dramat / Psychologiczny / Romantyczny

Silly Sundays is a feel-good comedy series full of heart and deeply rooted in the theme of family. Everything centres around Sonia, Hugo, Mel, Mom, Dad and Granny, on those days when there is nothing scheduled except spending time with family and friends. The stories focus on their ups, their downs and mostly their fun times as they embrace every little moment together.


Makoto Uezu, Masaomi Andó


Aja Hisakawa, Nobunaga Šimazaki, Šiori Izawa, Čika Anzai, Kendži Nodžima, Aki Tojosaki, Kóhei Amasaki, Rjúiči Kidžima, Mariko Higašiuči, Džuri Kimura, Haruki Išija, Kaoru Sakura, Asuna Tomari