Les Passages de l'espoir
S01E08 - Heartsick
Alex a Dawn aj naďalej vedú spor o tom, ktorá z nich by mala rozhodovať ohľadom Charlieho odpojenia od prístrojov. Obe idú na vypočutie a predkladajú dôkazy o tom, ako by to Charlie vraj chcel. Alex je na Dawn samozrejme nahnevaná a tak nie je rada, keď príde počas transplantácie srdca jedného pacienta Dawn a pokračuje po jej boku. Charlieho duch stretáva ďalšieho človeka menom Bernie, je to väzeň a o život prišiel pri bitke. A keďže podpísal súhlas ohľadom darcovstva orgánov, aj keď tvrdí, že nie, jeho srdce dostane jeden mladík. Seržant Jimmy Bell ide za Dr. Goranom a chce pomoc s chrbtom, ktorý ho bolí. Keď mu Dr. Goran odporučí fyzioterapiu, nesúhlasí, chce len recept na nejaké lieky. Neskôr sa ukáže sa, že Jimmy má vážne psychické problémy, ktoré trvajú už niekoľko rokov. (TV Markíza)
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When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
The Face of the Giant Panda
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
All Things Must Pass
All Things Must Pass
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
Bed One
Bed One
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
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About show
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.