Les Passages de l'espoir
S01E13 - Pink Clouds
Charlie sa konečne prebral z kómy. Po tak dlhej dobe v bezvedomí je, samozrejme, jeho telo dosť ochabnuté, bude sa preto musieť znovu naučiť chodiť. Chce to zvládnuť sám, to mu však veľmi nejde. A Alex má o neho stále strach. Joel dal v nemocnici výpoveď. Chce ísť v ústrety niečomu novému a celkom sa na to aj teší. Zároveň ale nemá tušenie, čo bude vlastne robiť. Maggie a Gavin sa dali dokopy. Gavinovi ale jej tempo veľmi nevyhovuje a chce, aby trochu spomalila. Je prijatá pacientka menom Jackie, ktorá sa snažila schudnúť, aby na svadbe vyzerala dobre, avšak trochu netradičným spôsobom. A bol tak netradičný, že bude musieť podstúpiť operáciu. Wes Taylor sa pod mostom predávkoval heroínom. Záchranári mu dali niečo na zotavenie, avšak veľmi to nepomohlo a tak ich napadol. A na miestach vpichov heroínu sa mu navyše vytvorila vyrážka. (TV Markíza)
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Little Piggies
Alex a ďalší doktori sa zúčastňujú výmeny chlopní u ošípaných. Dawn si z Alex začne uťahovať, pretože nedokázala odpovedať na niekoľko otázok, Alex navyše svoje prasa zabije. Medzitým sa Charlie potýka s ďalším človekom v kóme, ktorý si spieva, čo Charlieho dosť ruší... (TV Markíza)
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When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
The Face of the Giant Panda
The Face of the Giant Panda
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
Twinned Lambs
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
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When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
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When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.