S01E18 - Recovery

6.2. 10:15
Televize Seznam
60 minutes
Action / Crime / Drama / Mysterious

Počas nácviku evakuácie raketoplánu dôjde k nehode, pri ktorej zahynie jeden z astronautov. Keďže išlo o námorného pilota, incident vyšetruje JAG. Do ostrého štartu raketoplánu zostáva 48 hodín, navyše námorný nadporučík Harmon Rabb (David James Elliott) sa pozná s náhradným pilotom, námorným nadporučíkom Markom Lowreym (Mark Rolston).(koba)

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To Russia with Love

7.3. 10:15, Televize Seznam, 60 minutes

To Russia with Love

Zvláštnemu agentovi Claytonovi Webbovi (Steven Culp) sa podarilo zistiť bližšie informácie o vyše 15 rokov starej fotografii zo Sovietskeho zväzu, na ktorej sa nachádza nezvestný otec námorného nadporučíka Harmona Rabba (David James Elliott). Na fotografii sa nachádza ďalší muž - bývalý sovietsky pilot - major Viktor Lušov (William Morgan Sheppard), ktorý od roku 1981 žije v USA. Rabb vzápätí požiada kontraadmirála A. J. Chegwiddena (John M. Jackson) o deň voľna, údajne na návštevu svojej matky...(koba)

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About show

Action / Crime / Drama / Mysterious

JAG is an American legal drama television show with a distinct military theme, created by Donald P. Bellisario, and produced by Belisarius Productions in association with Paramount Network Television. The first season was co-produced with NBC Productions.

Originally conceived as a Top Gun meets A Few Good Men, the pilot episode of JAG first aired on NBC on September 23, 1995; but the series was later canceled on May 22, 1996 after finishing 79th in the ratings, leaving one episode unaired. Rival network CBS picked up the series for a midseason replacement, beginning on January 3, 1997. CBS's decision to air JAG proved to be a good move, as JAG for several seasons climbed in the ratings and was on the air for nine additional seasons. JAG furthermore spawned the hit series NCIS, which in turn spun off another hit, NCIS: Los Angeles.

In total, 227 episodes were produced over 10 seasons and JAG was during its 5th season seen in over 100 countries worldwide. JAG was so popular that it entered syndication early in 1999 and it is still regularly repeated.


Joe Napolitano


David Chisum, Mark Rolston, Mark L. Taylor, Troy Winbush, David James Elliott, Tracey Needham, Bo Linton, Tom Mason, John Short, Cort McCown