

S02E28 - Episode 28

23.12. 02:45
20 minutos

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

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Fred está muerto

12.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Fred está muerto

Cuando ellos en el programa de iCarly estaban haciendo una burla de como hacen ruido sus labios, después ellos muestran unos uno de los famosos videos de Fred y ellas dicen que Fred es muy gracioso pero Freddie dice que no son graciosos, al siguiente día todo estaba normal pero Carly le envía 10 mensajes que vea el video Splashface llamado, "Fred Esta Muerto" de esta manera es como Fred sube un video a SplashFace diciendo que dejara de hacer sus videos echándole la culpa a Freddie. Este comienza a ser molestado por sus amigos y por los fans de Fred, por esta razón es que Sam, Carly, Freddie y Spencer van a la casa de Fred a disculparse. Mientras que ocurre todo este problema con Freddie, Spencer comienza a hacer las cosas que le aconseja su "Albóndiga Mágica", como por ejemplo beber ketchup, ir a surfear y conseguir un avestruz al cual llamo Marvin.


Devuélveme Mi Website

12.1. 02:25, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Devuélveme Mi Website

Mientras los chicos terminaban iCarly, Spencer (Jerry Trainor) cancela su tarjeta de crédito, así que cuándo Freddie (Nathan Kress) y Carly (Miranda Cosgrove) se iban a meter en iCarly.com, Freddie no puede acceder y luego se da cuenta que ya no son dueños y ellos se acuerdan por de la tarjeta de crédito de Spencer que el no la ah puesto en esa tarjeta de crédito en la website, pero después dicen que ellos no son los dueños y ellos checan y es nada más y nada menos que Amanda "MandyDesam" Valdez (Aria Wallace), y ellos no sabían quien era, y después ven su foto y era Mandy, la del episodio "La fan más grande", y cuándo la ven a la foto gritan, después ellos invitan a Mandy a "Licuados Locos" (Es la primera vez en la serie que se ve pero en otros episodio se hacía llamar La Malteada Babeada), donde Carly, Sam (Jennette McCurdy) y Freddie les pide que les firme el contrato. Sin embargo, Mandy les dice que Freddie le mandó un e-mail pidiéndosele y se lo había regresado, pero no era Freddie, sino cuándo se fijaron en la laptod, era Nevel Papperman (Reed Alexander), porque vieron una página donde Nevel hacía marionetas tontas de Carly y Sam. Entonces Carly intentara recuperar la página, y como Carly se enteró de que Nevel iba a firmar autógrafos en un lugar, manda a Spencer disfrazado para que haga que Nevel firme así Carly recuperará su página, pero Nevel igual lo descubre y no funciona. Así que Carly hará negocios con Nevel, él le firmara el contrato y ella le dará un beso, cuándo se encontraron en el callejón, Nevel le firma primero, y Nevel llama a unos hombres para que Carly no se escape del beso que le iba a dar, pero ella lo mismo se escapa, porque los amigos de ella, por la ventana le tiran una cuerda y ella se engancha y se va, y al final vuelven a tener de nuevo su página web de nuevo, y por vengarse de Nevel, le tiran guacamole encima. Mientras Spencer compra 200 almohadas en vez de 2.


Haciendo femenina a Sam

12.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Haciendo femenina a Sam

Sam se enamora de un chico que estuvo en su fiesta, pero cuando pasaban a dedicarles unas palabras a Sam le decían que era muy ruda, ella le pide ayuda a Carly para que se vea más femenina. Cuando todo marcha bien una joven en la escuela que termina siendo bravucona, escucho que Sam, Carly y Freddy se burlan de ella por su físico y su agresividad, lo que la hace enfadar y comienza a agredir al equipo de iCarly pero Carly controla a Sam y le dice que se calme. Luego en el lugar donde Sam se encontrara con el chico, llega la bravucona y somete al equipo de iCarly, Sam se enfada y va a arremeter contra ella, pero Carly la vuelve a calmar para que no pierda su feminidad, con lo que Carly arremete con la bravucona y esta la empuja haciéndola caer, y Carly enfadada da permiso a Sam para que "le arranque la cabeza"; Sam termina golpeándole a la chica. Mientras Spencer cree que una chica lo quiere por su smoking.


Carly sale con un chico malo (1ª parte)

13.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Carly sale con un chico malo (1ª parte)

Carly y Spencer tienen problemas con Griffin, un adolescente conflictivo que, nada más llegar al edificio, ha buscado problemas robando la moto de Spencer. Al principio, Carly está profundamente disgustada con el nuevo vecino, pero no tardará en ceder a sus encantos.


Carly se reencuentra con Missy

13.1. 02:25, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Carly se reencuentra con Missy

Una amiga de la infancia de Carly, Missy, se traslada a la ciudad y no tarda en robar todo el tiempo de la chica y Sam empieza a sentir que la están dejando de lado. Lo que no se imagina es que Missy llegará a amenazarla explícitamente y deberá pedirle ayuda a Freddie.



13.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos


La hermana gemela de Sam, Melanie, llega a la ciudad y Sam está algo preocupada por eso. Freddie las ve hablando y les pregunta de que hablaban. Ellas le dicen la verdad pero él en su afán de demostrar que no es crédulo dice que es mentira, y que Sam no tiene ninguna hermana. Cuando la hermana llega Freddie la trata como si fuera Sam pero en realidad si es Melanie, tanto es el afán de Freddie por demostrar que no es crédulo, que invita a Melanie a una cita. En la cita Melanie, para demostrarle que no es Sam lo besa, pero este sigue sin creerle y se va diciéndole que ella estaba loca (pensando que era Sam). Por otra parte Carly le enseña a Chuck, el enemigo de Spencer, en sus tareas, pero Carly piensa que es lindo y Spencer hace lo posible por demostrarle a Carly que él es una mala persona.


Yo peleo con Shelby Marx

14.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Yo peleo con Shelby Marx

Shelby y Carly acuerdan una pelea para una caridad. En una rueda de prensa Carly accidentalmente cae sobre la abuela de Shelby y eso la enfurece, pero después Carly le explica que todo fue accidental. Nevel le muestra un video falso hecho por él en el cual Sam le dice a Carly que caiga sobre la abuela de Shelby. Ese video enfurece mucho a Shelby y cuando van a pelear, Shelby golpea de verdad a Carly, pero después se enteran de que todo era una trampa de Nevel y se vengan de él.


Episode 26

14.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 26

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 27

14.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 27

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 28

15.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 28

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 29

15.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 29

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 30

15.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 30

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 31

16.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 31

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 36

16.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 36

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 37

16.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 37

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 38

17.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 38

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 39

17.1. 02:20, Nickelodeon, 25 minutos

Episode 39

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 41

17.1. 02:45, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 41

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.


Episode 42

18.1. 02:00, Nickelodeon, 20 minutos

Episode 42

The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.

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iCarly es una serie de televisión estadounidense formato sitcom creada por el productor de televisión, Dan Schneider y transmitida originalmente por la cadena Nickelodeon.4 5 La serie trata de la historia de Carly Shay, una niña que junto a sus dos mejores amigos Sam Puckett y Freddie Benson crean un webshow llamado iCarly.