S02E10 - El Primer Beso
Freddie esposa a Sam y a Gibby porque Sam puso un pez muerto en su mochila, creyendo que es justo devolverle la broma por todas las cosas malas que ella le hace. Más tarde, Carly y Sam van a ver la película "El primer beso" y todos hablan de cómo fue su primer beso, excepto Freddie. Sam se va a comprar dulces pero se olvida su billetera y cuando se devuelve, escucha por accidente una conversación entre Freddie y Carly: él le confiesa a su amiga que nunca ha besado a nadie, y le pide guardar el secreto. Sam aprovecha el secreto para vengarse de Freddie, ya que ella siempre juega a ganar, y revela la verdad en el webshow. Millones de personas se enteran que Freddie nunca ha besado a nadie, provocando que todos en las calles y en la escuela se burlen de él, al punto que Freddie tuvo que recurrir a disfrazarse para que nadie lo reconociera pero no funcionó. Viendo su vida arruinada, Freddie decide encerrarse en su cuarto y no asiste a la escuela por una semana, sin hablar ni siquiera con su mamá. Carly regaña a Sam porque arruinó la vida de Freddie y ni siquiera le importa, pero la rubia reconoce que sí le importa y que no quiso hacerlo. Carly, sin embargo, le hace ver que fue demasiado lejos esta vez, y lamentablemente no puede hacer nada para arreglar las cosas. Sintiéndose deprimida y culpable, Sam decide hacer público su secreto y, durante el webshow de esa noche, el primero que graban sin Freddie, admite a todos que ella tampoco ha besado a un chico, y amenaza a todo el que se atreva a molestar a Freddie. Al acabar el webshow, Sam decide ir a disculparse con Freddie, que estaba sentado en el balcón que da a la salida de emergencias del edificio, deprimido y contemplando la ciudad. Luego de saludarse, Freddie le dice que fue muy valiente lo que dijo y Sam se disculpa con Freddie, de forma sincera, por decir en público que nunca había besado a nadie, y por todas las cosas malas que le ha hecho, tras lo cual él reconoce que su vida no sería la misma sin las bromas de Sam. Ella le promete disculparse con él cada año, y luego empezar fresca otra vez. Luego de un momento, Sam le insinúa a Freddie que es bobo que la gente se entusiasme tanto por su primer beso, haciéndole pensar en una posibilidad, pero Sam se le adelanta: «¿Que deberíamos besarnos?» le sugiere. Freddie duda y dice, asustado: «¿Vas a romperme el brazo ahora verdad?» a lo que Sam increíblemente responde que no, probándole que habla en serio, que no va a lastimarlo y que de verdad quiere besarlo. Así, ambos acuerdan darse su primer beso, únicamente para salir del hoyo, pero no le dirán a nadie y después de esto se seguirán odiando mutuamente como siempre. Con un «Bueno..., hazlo» por parte de Sam, Freddie y ella comparten su primer beso juntos, admitiendo que fue muy lindo. Tras esto, Sam se levanta para irse pero, repentinamente, Freddie la detiene y le dice: «Te odio», a lo que ella responde, sonriendo: «Y yo a tí». Con una sonrisa, Freddie la ve alejarse. Mientras, Spencer empieza a practicar fútbol americano y Carly le dice que lo va a dejar (y tenía razón, ya que Spencer acabó dejándolo para ver la tele), así que Carly contrata a Gibby para que entrene a Spencer. Ellos van a correr 4 millas, pero Spencer lo engaña y termina quedándose a ver la tele.
más informaciónEpisodios
iCarly en Japón
Carly, Sam, Freddie y Spencer van a Japón para los 'Premios Web'. Después de un peligroso viaje en avión con Spencer, llegan a su hotel en Tokyo. yoko y Yuki, sus rivales, han hecho que sus primos le tiendan una trampa a Spencer y la señora Benson.
iCarly en Japón
Carly, Sam, Freddie y Spencer van a Japón para los 'Premios Web'. Después de un peligroso viaje en avión con Spencer, llegan a su hotel en Tokyo. Yoko y Yuki, sus rivales, han hecho que sus primos le tiendan una trampa a Spencer y la señora Benson.
La tarta
La tarta
Freddie nunca había probado las tartas de "Tartas Galini" pero cuando las prueba les gusto mucho pero les dan una información que el Sr. Galini está muy enfermo, así que les dicen que a lo mejor los quitan y Spencer compra una tarta que les tiene que durar un tiempo pero Sam se la come y en el momento Spencer les dice que el Señor Galini salió del hospital.
La hermana gemela de Sam, Melanie, llega a la ciudad y Sam está algo preocupada por eso. Freddie las ve hablando y les pregunta de que hablaban. Ellas le dicen la verdad pero él en su afán de demostrar que no es crédulo dice que es mentira, y que Sam no tiene ninguna hermana. Cuando la hermana llega Freddie la trata como si fuera Sam pero en realidad si es Melanie, tanto es el afán de Freddie por demostrar que no es crédulo, que invita a Melanie a una cita. En la cita Melanie, para demostrarle que no es Sam lo besa, pero este sigue sin creerle y se va diciéndole que ella estaba loca (pensando que era Sam). Por otra parte Carly le enseña a Chuck, el enemigo de Spencer, en sus tareas, pero Carly piensa que es lindo y Spencer hace lo posible por demostrarle a Carly que él es una mala persona.
Yo peleo con Shelby Marx
Shelby y Carly acuerdan una pelea para una caridad. En una rueda de prensa Carly accidentalmente cae sobre la abuela de Shelby y eso la enfurece, pero después Carly le explica que todo fue accidental. Nevel le muestra un video falso hecho por él en el cual Sam le dice a Carly que caiga sobre la abuela de Shelby. Ese video enfurece mucho a Shelby y cuando van a pelear, Shelby golpea de verdad a Carly, pero después se enteran de que todo era una trampa de Nevel y se vengan de él.
Episode 26
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 27
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 28
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 29
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 30
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 31
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 36
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 37
Episode 37
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 38
Episode 38
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 39
Episode 39
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 41
Episode 41
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
Episode 42
Episode 42
The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay, Sam Puckett, and Freddie Benson as they produce their own web show called "iCarly." Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. This season contained the special "iChristmas". The second season consisted of 45 episodes, with 25 of them airing as part of the second season before the remaining 20 were marketed as the third season.
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Sobre el evento
iCarly es una serie de televisión estadounidense formato sitcom creada por el productor de televisión, Dan Schneider y transmitida originalmente por la cadena Nickelodeon.4 5 La serie trata de la historia de Carly Shay, una niña que junto a sus dos mejores amigos Sam Puckett y Freddie Benson crean un webshow llamado iCarly.