Food Factory

Food Factory

S03E03 - Je libo šálek čaje?

29.1. 19:30
National Geographic
30 minutes

Za každým pytlíkem brambůrků, plechovkou piva, tabulkou čokolády či pecnem chleba stojí rozsáhlý průmysl umožňující vyrábět daný produkt ve velkém počtu. Poznejme úžasné i děsivé procesy, díky nimž si můžeme vychutnat své oblíbené potraviny.

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Record series

Certified Organic!

27.1. 19:00, National Geographic, 30 minutes

Certified Organic!


Olive the Above

27.1. 19:30, National Geographic, 30 minutes

Olive the Above

Turning plump green fruit into sliced black olives; frozen fruit pops are like guilt-free smoothies on a stick; wafer-thin cookie chips.


Hot to Tot

2.2. 10:00, National Geographic, 30 minutes

Hot to Tot

A secret spice blend, a giant steam peeler, and a massive processing facility turn farm-fresh potatoes into bite-size Mexi-Fries; these chocolate almond toffees have a connection to Hollywood royalty; perfecting the art of making absinthe.

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

A look at how different foods are made.