

15.6. 19:25
Filmbox Arthouse
95 minut
USA / Itálie

Mourning the death of her father, Giulia is contacted by him from the other dimension. Directed by: Giada Colagrande. Cast: Giada Colagrande, Willem Dafoe, Franco Battiato, Marina Abramovic. Year of production: 2016. Country of production: USA, Italy

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O pořadu

USA / Itálie

Mourning the death of her father, Giulia is contacted by him from the other dimension. Directed by: Giada Colagrande. Cast: Giada Colagrande, Willem Dafoe, Franco Battiato, Marina Abramovic. Year of production: 2016. Country of production: USA, Italy


Giada Colagrande


Willem Dafoe, Giada Colagrande, Franco Battiato, Claudio Colombo, Carlo Guaitoli, Fabio Balasso, Marina Abramovic