Costa Rica: Wildlife Under The Rainbow

Costa Rica: Wildlife Under The Rainbow

20.3. 20:15
50 minutos

The tropical climate and contrasted topography of Costa Rica has fostered exceptional biodiversity, hosting wildlife from both North and South America. From the peaks of the volcanoes down to the Pacific and Caribbean shores, and amidst the dense Cloud forest, the country is home to the most remarkable mammals, beautiful birds, and astonishing reptiles… all in for a beauty contest!

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The tropical climate and contrasted topography of Costa Rica has fostered exceptional biodiversity, hosting wildlife from both North and South America. From the peaks of the volcanoes down to the Pacific and Caribbean shores, and amidst the dense Cloud forest, the country is home to the most remarkable mammals, beautiful birds, and astonishing reptiles… all in for a beauty contest!


Ronan Fournier-Christol