Divoké příběhy

Divoké příběhy

S01E_Episode - Episode

9.3. 15:50
55 minutos

CHASING TALES - EP. 1. 3 wild dog packs are introduced, Pungwe, Mapura and Splinters pack. We see 16 Pungwe pups emerge for the first time out of their den site. The motorbike camera crew manage to record their first successful wild dog hunt. Rosemary and Jess are urgently called out to dart and remove the snare from one of the dogs. Another hunt is recorded by the motorbike and filming drone crew.

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Temporada 1


2.3. 16:55, DocuBox, 50 minutos


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CHASING TALES - EP. 1. 3 wild dog packs are introduced, Pungwe, Mapura and Splinters pack. We see 16 Pungwe pups emerge for the first time out of their den site. The motorbike camera crew manage to record their first successful wild dog hunt. Rosemary and Jess are urgently called out to dart and remove the snare from one of the dogs. Another hunt is recorded by the motorbike and filming drone crew.