Nakrmte někdo Phila

Nakrmte někdo Phila

S02E03 - Buenos Aires

26.12. 16:20
55 minut

BUENOS AIRES. How is life on the city’s roofs? This series scales new heights, exploring apartment buildings, towers and monuments to discover a world full of unsuspected treasures : our rooftops. By day and night, the population changes on these heights. There are people who work here, people who live here, and others who come here to relax. The world’s rooftops are a continual hive of activity…

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Řada 2
Dostupné za 5 dnů

Buenos Aires

26.12. 16:20, DocuBox, 55 minut

Buenos Aires

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O pořadu


BUENOS AIRES. How is life on the city’s roofs? This series scales new heights, exploring apartment buildings, towers and monuments to discover a world full of unsuspected treasures : our rooftops. By day and night, the population changes on these heights. There are people who work here, people who live here, and others who come here to relax. The world’s rooftops are a continual hive of activity…


Phil Rosenthal, John Bedolis


Phil Rosenthal