Great World Hotels

Great World Hotels

S01E12 - Six Senses

30.6. 16:00
30 minut

Six Senses. Located on the magnificent northern tip of Koh Samui, Six Senses Samui is engulfed by 20 acres of lush and opulent flora, and bestows its guests with palatial views of the Gulf of Siam.

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Řada 1


28.9. 08:00, Travelxp, 30 minut


Closenberg. Visit to Galle is incomplete without a stay at the tranquil Closenberg. Built along the Galle harbor, Closenberg Heritage Hotel is one word -- Idyllic.


Six Senses

29.9. 05:30, Travelxp, 30 minut

Six Senses

Six Senses. Located on the magnificent northern tip of Koh Samui, Six Senses Samui is engulfed by 20 acres of lush and opulent flora, and bestows its guests with palatial views of the Gulf of Siam.


The Residence

28.9. 11:00, Travelxp, 30 minut

The Residence

The Residence. Situated in the land of lagoons and palm fringed white sandy beaches, The Residence Hotel - Mauritius, signifies timeless beauty and the blend of romantic touch of Nostalgia.

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Situated in the land of lagoons and palm fringed white sandy beaches, The Residence Hotel - Mauritius, signifies timeless beauty and the blend of romantic touch of Nostalgia.