Pit Bulls and Parolees

Pit Bulls and Parolees

S09E13 - Nový rok ve Villalobos

16.9. 13:05
Animal Planet
55 minutes

Nový rok ve Villalobos. Dokument. Bezdomovec dá svá štěňátka do útulku a Mariah s Marcelem rozdávají balíčky s pomocí lidem, kteří žijí na ulici i se svými psy

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A Girl Named Gun

20.9. 13:05, Animal Planet, 55 minutes

A Girl Named Gun

A couple from New Jersey falls in love with a new best friend but the adoption gets put on the line when Dr. Kristen discovers a heart murmur; Tia heads out to the swamps to rescue a dog in need of medical attention and the diagnosis shocks her.


Midnight Savior

20.9. 09:25, Animal Planet, 55 minutes

Midnight Savior

A call in the middle of the night sends Tia racing to deal with a family emergency. A homeless man reaches out for assistance when his dog has trouble breathing. A healthy dog tied up outside VRC leads to a shocking story and a difficult decision.


Tip of the Iceberg

21.9. 05:15, Animal Planet, 45 minutes

Tip of the Iceberg

After Tia and Sugar rescue a stray, they are shocked by what they find and race him to the vet. New worker Darius pursues his dream of working in the veterinary field. And an empty nester heads to Villalobos looking for a new companion.


Nová kapitola

24.9. 13:05, Animal Planet, 55 minutes

Nová kapitola

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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

Nový rok ve Villalobos. Dokument. Bezdomovec dá svá štěňátka do útulku a Mariah s Marcelem rozdávají balíčky s pomocí lidem, kteří žijí na ulici i se svými psy