Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

S04E03 - Episode 3

14.7. 06:00
National Geographic
60 minutes

Follow Gordon Ramsay as he meets with indigenous people around the globe to learn about the cultures, dishes and flavors unique to each location. Each episode concludes with Ramsay challenging himself with a local food legend by his side - putting his newfound skills to the test as they cook a feast together for the natives.

More information
Available in 4 days

Portugal's Rugged Coast

2.10. 14:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Portugal's Rugged Coast

Šéfkuchař Gordon Ramsay se při prozkoumávání rozmanité portugalské kuchyně nezalekne ani divokých vln, otevřeného oceánu či práce na farmě. (National Geographic)

Available in 2 days

Croatia's Coastal Adventure

30.9. 14:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Croatia's Coastal Adventure

Available in 3 days

Incredible Iceland

1.10. 14:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes

Incredible Iceland

Gordon Ramsay tentokrát poznává zemi ohně a ledu. Během islandského léta luští taje kuchařských technik, které využívají výhod vulkanické činnosti. V ledovcové řece se pustí do lovu divokých lososů. (National Geographic)

Available in 5 days


3.10. 14:00, National Geographic, 60 minutes


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About show

Czech, English, Hungarian

Follow Gordon Ramsay as he meets with indigenous people around the globe to learn about the cultures, dishes and flavors unique to each location. Each episode concludes with Ramsay challenging himself with a local food legend by his side - putting his newfound skills to the test as they cook a feast together for the natives.